The name of the Parshah, “Kedoshim,” means “holy [ones]” and it is found in Leviticus 19:2.

The Parshah of Kedoshim begins with the statement: “You shall be holy, for I, the L‑rd your G‑d, am holy.” This is followed by dozens of mitzvot (divine commandments) through which the Jew sanctifies him- or herself and relates to the holiness of G‑d.

These include: the prohibition against idolatry, the mitzvah of charity, the principle of equality before the law, Shabbat, sexual morality, honesty in business, honor and awe of one’s parents, and the sacredness of life.

Also in Kedoshim is the dictum which the great sage Rabbi Akiva called a cardinal principle of Torah, and of which Hillel said, This is the entire Torah, the rest is commentary—“Love your fellow as yourself.”

Learn: Kedoshim in Depth
Browse: Kedoshim Parshah Columnists
Prep: Devar Torah Q&A for Kedoshim
Read: Haftarah in a Nutshell
Play: Kedoshim Parshah Quiz