  • Experience
Cheder Chabad instills in its students a love for one another and an excitement for their roles as Yidden. All learning is guided by the principles of Chabad Chassidus, to help our students attain the knowledge, values, and strength of conviction to make and maintain a lifelong commitment to Torah and mitzvos.

Cheder Chabad of Baltimore has gained a stellar reputation for its warm, nurturing preschool and growing, Cheder-style elementary school. Cheder Chabad now hosts over 350 students in the historic Beth Jacob synagogue campus. Cheder includes a vibrant preschool, boys elementary through 8th grade, and a girls elementary through 8th grade. Our school caters to the students of the Jewish community across Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. We always welcome new families to come and see what is growing here at Cheder Chabad.
Benefactors and Supporters
Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Baltimore, MD
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 16 - Oct. 23
Daily Thought
That force that holds electrons in their orbit and planets in theirs, explodes incessantly within the stars above and is the darkness that fills the empty space—that force is a single whole, and it is G‑d. It is not all of G‑d. It is an expression of G‑d. All of it could disappear in a single instant, and for Him nothing would have changed. Where is it that you can find all of G‑d? Wherever He wishes to be...